CMYK or GRAYSCALE images only. All RGB and/or PANTONE colors should be converted to CMYK prior to submission.
All ads created outside of Data Publishing should be approved by the customer before being submitted to Data Publishing.
No changes will be made by Data Publishing to ads created by outside graphic vendors, so customer approval is essential. We also do not send out proofs of submitted artwork. The outside designer or firm is responsible for any proofs to or changes by their customer. Submitted artwork must have a color composite submitted along with disk or email for internal proofing purposes.
Illustrator (all fonts converted to outlines)
Freehand (all fonts converted to paths)
InDesign (all fonts must be included)
EPS, PSD, TIF, AI, FH, INDD, PDF, JPG (High Resolution CMYK)
The yellow pages are actually printed on WHITE PAPER TINTED YELLOW, so if the customer has not purchased the use of white (knockout) in their ad then the background and any reverse/white images or text should use 30% yellow (0/0/30/0).
Examples on a 2-column layout
Examples on a 3-column layout
Examples on a 4-column layout